e: info@nyclp.org       t: 01423 795300     w: www.nyclp.org

Plans ...


In May 2016 the Steering Group of the NYCLP agreed some changes to the way in which the partnership will operate beyond the end of July 2016:


Staffing – The Co-ordinator’s contract will be reduced from 600 hours annually to 300 hours from 1 August 2016 and the focus of his role has changed from largely administrative to more developmental. The co-ordinator’s skill set and experience will be supplemented with work commissioned from / via Your Consortium and elsewhere as appropriate.


Fees and Funding – Current fee levels will be maintained for core members to cover core costs but some of the additional funds currently available will be used for developmental activity. Area Groups are being invited to bid for funding of up to £2000, (minimum £500) for developmental (or other appropriate) activity. A pro-forma of key questions to be addressed has been devised – applications will be assessed / approved on a rolling basis by the Steering Group. There are no deadlines for applications to be made.  


Membership – The core membership of the Steering Group will remain as those who have, in the past, received community learning funding directly from the SFA.


Geographical Area Served – Key colleagues in York and the East Riding are being contacted to explore their interest in joining an enhanced partnership.


Area Activity – Area groups will be more self-supporting in terms of chairing and recording minutes but have been provided with a framework to encourage them to be focussed on a small number of priorities and tasks. Area groups have also been invited to propose activities that they would like to be undertaken by the Co-ordinator and / or Your Consortium. NYCC’s ALSS staff will chair and take minutes in future but the Co-ordinator will attend the first round of area meetings and thereafter monitor progress by receiving agendas and minutes.


Policies and priorities – The Strategic Framework of policies and priorities will be reviewed in light of the greater devolution to combined authorities, the greater influence of the LEP and changes to SFA rules regarding the funding of community learning.


Re-launch – Consideration will be given to re-launching the re-energised CLP in 2016 / 17. The description as the Community Learning Partnership will be retained (at least for now).