We’ve just been sent some information about World Mental Health Day events in the North Yorkshire area. World Mental Health Day is celebrated on Thursday the 10th October.
- Pickering Library. The Library is promoting the wealth of wellbeing related opportunities there as well as hosting several organisations to offer a wellbeing day at the library. All are welcome to find out more and to drop-in anytime. Refreshments will be provided.
- NYCC Mental Health Prevention Conference Harrogate (Any further questions or queries about the event please contact Joanne Pulman, Administrator by email at HASBusinessSupportCH@northyorks.gov.uk or Telephone: 01609 535750)
- Putting mental and physical health on the same page. An event to celebrate World Mental Health Day for anyone with an interest in mental health research. (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/putting-mental-and-physical-health-on-the-same-page-tickets-73239018877?aff=ebdssbdestsearch)
- Scarborough TEC. World Mental Health Day marketplace (time TBC) Tel 01723 372105 ext 6110 sedmann@scarboroughtec.ac.uk