There is a currently an open call for the delivery of a new programme for York, North Yorkshire and East Riding called Thriving at Work. This programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and managed by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The programme outline and local priorities have been set by the YNYER Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), who are also the body responsible for developing and releasing this open ESIF call.
Your Consortium are currently working with a number of strategic partners and stakeholders to create a financial and match-funding model for delivery of this programme. Concurrent with these activities, they are offering the opportunity for partners to apply for a role within their delivery partnership should they be successful.
The application and guidance can be found at Your Consortium’s website:
Applications to be returned to Your Consortium by 5pm on Wednesday 4th September (2 weeks time), via email to . A very tight turnaround, but necessary with the lead partner application deadline on 12th September 2019.