This will be at Norton Hive Library.
Commercial Street, Norton, Malton
Delivery will adhere to strict COVID guidelines
A maximum of 3 learners, per class
This is a 6 week course
90 minutes per week
The dates are 18/6/2021 to 23/7/2021
Delivery is on Fridays
There are 2 sessions to choose from, can either be
1pm to 230pm or 3pm to 430pm
If you have anyone that wishes to join, please contact my colleague Linda Jones, on Linda.jones@northyorks.gov.uk.
However, Linda works Monday to Wednesday and on Wednesdays to 1230pm.
Alternatively, please contact Adult Learning on 01609 536066 or mail adultlearningservices@northyorkshire.gov.uk
Please quote the course code and title
Introduction to Computers, 06679CL
Introduction to Computers
At Castle House , Elders Street, Scarborough
Delivery will be 90 minutes, per week
Delivery will be on Mondays
It starts on Monday 21/6/2021 to 19/7/2021
10am to 12pm
Space on the course is limited to 4 learners maximum and will adhere to strict COVID safety guidelines
The enrolment process, is as described above, but please quote this course reference, when enrolling
Introduction to Computers
Course Code 06680CL